
Paris Fashion Lab

Today more than ever, instead of Branding and Personal Pranding – personal branding – East directly related to human relations.
They make us aware of the authenticity, congruence and the returned image, but the message transmitted in society.
In our personal and professional life, our image about us !


In this world of images, our personal image speaks for itself like it or not, A Message, a coherent discourse or not, in phase or not with our position or our expertise.
Non-verbal communication plays a key role as well in our development, our confidence, our affirmation and in-fine in the success of our projects and professional ambitions.
It is important that this inspires confidence and either consistent with your personality but also with the professional world around you !

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Expert workshops conjugated sectors

This recurrent societal observation, brought Fashion Lab to create a new service exclusively for professionals : “IMAGE FOR BUSINESS”.

Workshops conjugated sectors to access tips and tools, effective and concrete in direct response to :

  • THE IMAGE, this high stakes
  • • trust
  • • differentiation
  • • professionalism
  • • business impact

“Consistency between self and what is shown is paramount in our relationship to others. Mastering this alignment ensures the adequacy of non-verbal communication and leadership and helps you feel better with yourself with more impact in its business.
Because being remarkable is not improvised !”

Pascale Leuliet, Private stylist and image consulting

promise to bring you more
insurance and trust

Beyond, offer friendly relationships and moments of own shares to networking, "IMAGE FOR BUSINESS" is the promise to bring you more insurance, of confidence, attractiveness in your professional activity.

"IMAGE FOR BUSINESS" will teach you to identify Your Signature Dress !

One that will be most suitable and let you reveal your personality, your credibility with your link function :


  • Our engagements
  • • To know you, you express,
    define your strengths to enhance your figure
  • • You make it attractive in your visual approach.
    Impact in 10 first seconds !
  • • Acquire confidence, and inspire confidence
  • • Confirm your professionalism and credibility
    the eyes of others.

The afterwork workshops

"IMAGE FOR BUSINESS" are custom workshops in functions

  • 4 key industries :
  • • Finances
  • • Sworn Occupations
  • • Consulting
  • • Communication

Each workshop will be held, in the presence of an ambassador or ambassador – great witness – the sector, by my side, illustrate the tips and tools that will be disclosed.

A ball will be all 3 weeks to submit these 4 sectors in many 15 participant(is)s maximum.

These workshops will be held from 19h-8:30 p.m. + networking 20h30 21h30.

An "image for Business" guide will be distributed to participants(is)s.

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