

Personal Shopper,personal shopping,on

# I have already taken more confidence in me during my appointment and entertainment customers after this session

For my birthday I was offered a meeting with Pascale Personal Shopping. I must admit I was both excited and anxious because I have no taste for shopping and this mainly because je n’ai aucune idée de ce qui me va.

Mon corps a beaucoup changé depuis que je suis maman et pourtant il faut bien s’habiller, et ma garde robe laissait beaucoup à désirer surtout dans le champ professionnel en tant que psychologue, coach et formatrice indépendante.

Dès la prise de contact Pascale a été chaleureuse et m’a rassurée et nous avons commencé le travail. Le jour J, Pascale avait sélectionné plein de belles pièces dont beaucoup que je n’aurais jamais pensé essayer mais je suis repartie avec de quoi sérieusement renouveler ma garde robe.

J’ai rapidement compris que je ne connaissais ni la taille, ni les couleurs ou les coupes qui m’allaient. Pascale was able to choose pieces that suited my personality and my morphology and I have already gained more self-confidence during my events and client meetings. I no longer feel like I look like a teenager from the top of my 37 years and I feel more legitimate and more feminine.

I recommend Fashion Lab's image consulting services to anyone who wants to hear it, especially since. quite a few people sensed that something had changed in my attitude. Mylene P CEO of KANTYS accounting.

Thank you again for this experiment.

Camille J. 38 years old , Work Psychologist, coach & Rapid Transformational Therapist, 75020 Paris , December 2019