
Testimony 52 programme IFB

I transformed my personal image "elite leader".

I must confess that I feel perfectly dressed and therefore no need to change this.

I was wrong !

Pascale has convinced me to use his services the programme « Image For Business ». I confess I have no way regretted that decision.

Not being a fan of shopping, of course, it was a pleasure to stay in a private room and try new outfits selected in advance.Pascale was able to match my image and my company, that the latter deserves ! I know exactly how much a prospect needs to be reassured to order.

I am directing my business , and most of the time , I am the first means of communication with my teams. Les services de Fashion Lab fûrent, in that, one of my best investments.

I wish to thank Pascale Fashion Lab and especially, now my prospects and people I meet directly see in me the company I represent.

Many thanks !

Jose S., 47, Associate CEO Wellpartnr , growth company and Strategy, 92 high-seine, mars 2018